Recent Recipes
Savory Chicken with Cashew Nuts
Comments (0) | 10/18/11
1/2 tablespoon small garlic, minced
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
300 grams chicken breast, thinly sliced
1 small onion, cut into pieces
1/2 cup cashew nuts, fried
1/4 cup dried spur chili , cut into 1 inch long and fried
1/4 cup spring onion, cut into 1 inch long
1 tablespoon fish sauce
1 teaspoon oyster sauce
1 teaspoon dark soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1 red spur chili, diagonally sliced
fresh coriander for garnish
1. Saute the garlic in the oil over medium heat until it is golden and fragrant. Add the chicken and fried until just cooked. Add the onion, cashew nuts, fried chili and spring onion and toss the combine, Season with fish sauce, ouster, dark soy sauce and sugar. Turn off the heat.
2.Dip out onto a serving dish. Garnish with chili slices and coriander before serving.
(Serves 4)
Tag. chicken, stir fry, thai food, recipe.
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Lemongrass Juice!!!
Comments (0) | 10/17/11
1. Lemongrass, 20g
2. Syrup, 1 tbs
3. Fresh water, 240cc
1. Smash lemongrass and put in the pot with fresh water and boil till water goes green.
2. Move the pot away from heater and remove lemongrass.
3. Pour syrup and put some ice (if any)
4. Enjoy your drink :D
Tag : lemongrass, juice, fresh, dessert, drink
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