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Thai food has very strong and concentrated flavors. It is complemented by ingredients rich in therapeutic or curative qualities, especially when Thai herbs are used as components in a particular dish. Such creations are regarded as an art among Thai people that have been passed on from one generation to the next, In the olden days, it was popular to use locally grown vegetables as ingredients, as they were easily obtainable and inexpensive. Most households had chilies, onions and garlic readily available in their kitchens at all times. Preparation of a meal is not necessarily a difficult task, but due to the changing lifestyles of Thai people, eating habits have also changed and cooking a family meal has become less common. Packaged curries and instant meals have emerged as another alternative for the modern-day family.

Currently, Thai people are placing more and more importance in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Whether choosing to eat nutritious food or selecting the right ingredients to use in dishes is no less of a meticulous task than the other. This can be seen in the increased use of cereal cream or soybean milk in place of the traditionally used coconut cream, or choosing soybean oil, olive oil or rice oil over palm oil.

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